Home Blog Recruitment of Skilled Workers from Abroad for the Hospitality and Gastronomy Sector: Your Path to Qualified Personnel

Recruitment of Skilled Workers from Abroad for the Hospitality and Gastronomy Sector: Your Path to Qualified Personnel


The hospitality and gastronomy industry in Germany is facing a growing challenge: a shortage of skilled workers. This shortage makes it necessary to look beyond national borders for qualified professionals. Recruiting employees from abroad provides a valuable solution to fill this gap and meet the high demands of the industry.

As an employer in the hospitality and gastronomy sector, you understand the importance of finding employees who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications but also have the ability to quickly integrate into the work culture of your company. In this article, you will learn how partnering with Primasteps can help you attract the best international professionals for your business. Our services are specifically designed to provide you with a smooth, fast, and effective recruitment process.

1. Direct Placement: The Direct Employment Contract between Employer and Professional

One of the greatest advantages of working with us is direct placement. Unlike many recruitment agencies that act as intermediaries, we focus on establishing a direct connection between you as the employer and the professional. This means that you enter into a direct employment contract with the selected employee. This direct relationship enables clear communication and builds trust from the very beginning.

A direct employment contract offers numerous benefits:

  • Clear Conditions: All contract terms, including salary, working hours, and additional benefits, are negotiated directly between you and the employee. This ensures transparency and security for both parties.
  • Quick Integration: Since no intermediaries are involved, new employees can be integrated into the company more quickly. This leads to higher satisfaction and shorter onboarding times.
  • Long-Term Commitment: A direct employment contract strengthens the sense of belonging and can foster the employee’s commitment to the company, which is particularly beneficial in the hospitality and gastronomy industry, where turnover is traditionally high.

Through direct placement, we ensure that you recruit the best professionals who not only fit your company technically but also personally.

2. Flexibility: Seasonal or Long-Term Employment

Demand in the hospitality and gastronomy industry can fluctuate significantly, especially during seasonal peaks. Primasteps offers you the flexibility to offer both seasonal and long-term employment contracts. This flexibility is a crucial advantage for employers who need to hire staff based on demand and business conditions.

  • Seasonal Employment: During tourist peaks such as summer or Christmas, the need for staff can increase dramatically in a short period of time. By recruiting seasonal professionals from abroad, you can ensure that you always have enough staff available to provide the best service to your guests.
  • Long-Term Employment: For sustainable personnel planning, we offer the possibility of binding professionals to your company long-term. Long-term employees can integrate better into the corporate culture and contribute to the stability and quality of service.


The ability to choose between seasonal and long-term employment as needed gives you, as an employer, the flexibility to manage your human resources optimally and thus ensure business success.

3. Perfect Matching: Candidates According to Your Requirements

One of the biggest challenges in recruiting professionals from abroad is finding the right candidates who meet the exact requirements of your company. Primasteps is dedicated to providing you with the best possible candidates through perfect matching.

Our matching process is designed to take into account your specific requirements and preferences:

  • Qualifications and Experience: We ensure that the candidates we propose have the necessary qualifications and work experience to successfully fulfill the tasks in your company.
  • Language Skills: In the hospitality and gastronomy industry, good German language skills are often essential. We make sure that our candidates have the required language proficiency to communicate efficiently with colleagues and guests.
  • Cultural Adaptability: The ability to quickly adapt to the German work culture is crucial for the success of foreign employees. We place great importance on finding candidates who fit well into your team not only professionally but also culturally.

Through our precise matching, you save valuable time and resources in onboarding and can be confident that your new employees will be productive and motivated from the start.

4. Speed: Average Placement Time of 30 Days

In the fast-paced hospitality and gastronomy industry, time is often a critical factor. At Primasteps, we are aware of this and have optimized our recruitment process so that we can present you with qualified candidates within 30 days.

Our fast recruitment process is based on:

  • Efficient Pre-Selection: We conduct a thorough pre-selection of candidates before presenting you with their profiles. This ensures that you only see applicants who are truly suitable for your positions.
  • Targeted Recruitment Channels: By using specialized recruitment channels and our network of international professionals, we quickly reach the best candidates for your open positions.
  • Reliable Communication: We ensure that the entire process runs smoothly by facilitating fast and clear communication between you and potential employees.

Thanks to our speed, you can ensure that your positions are filled quickly, and you avoid revenue losses due to staff shortages.

5. Reliability: Transparent and Efficient Recruitment Process

Reliability is a core value in our collaboration with Primasteps. Our recruitment process is designed to provide you, as the employer, with the highest level of transparency and efficiency. We believe that clear communication and a well-structured process are the keys to success.

Our recruitment process includes:

  • Transparent Procedures: You will be informed about every step of the recruitment process and will receive regular updates on the status of your candidates. This way, you will always know how the process is progressing and when you can expect your new employee to arrive.
  • Clear Contracts: All contract terms are clearly defined in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises. This includes all aspects of the employment contract, from compensation to working hours and additional benefits.
  • Efficient Processing: We ensure that all administrative tasks, such as obtaining work permits and visas, are completed quickly and smoothly. This allows you to focus entirely on your core business.

Through our reliability, we guarantee you a stress-free and successful recruitment process that meets and exceeds your expectations.

6. No Risk: Payment in Stages upon Employment Commencement

We understand that recruiting employees from abroad can be associated with certain uncertainties. To provide you with the greatest possible security, we have developed a risk-free payment model, where payment for our services is made only in stages, starting from the commencement of employment.

This model offers you the following advantages:

  • Security: You only pay if the recruitment process has been successfully completed and the employee has actually started working. This minimizes your financial risk.
  • Flexible Payment Terms: Payment is made in stages, aligned with the progress of the process. This way, you always have control over your expenses and can ensure that the service meets your expectations.
  • Success-Oriented: Our model motivates us to provide the best possible service, as our success is directly linked to yours.

This risk-free model gives you, as an employer, the confidence that you are only paying for a service that has actually been provided and brings you the desired added value.

Conclusion: Your Partner for Recruiting Skilled Workers from Abroad

Recruiting skilled workers from abroad is an excellent way to compensate for the shortage of qualified personnel in the hospitality and gastronomy industry. With Primasteps by your side, you benefit from a comprehensive service tailored specifically to the needs of employers in this sector.

Through our direct placement, we ensure that you have direct and clear access to your new employees. Our flexibility allows you to offer both seasonal and long-term employment as needed. Thanks to our perfect matching process, we find candidates who meet your exact requirements. The speed of our recruitment process ensures that your positions are filled in the shortest possible time. Our reliability guarantees a transparent and efficient process, while our risk-free payment model provides you with maximum security.

If you are looking for qualified professionals for your open positions in the hospitality and gastronomy industry, then Primasteps is your ideal partner. We support you in meeting your company’s staffing needs quickly, efficiently, and risk-free.

7. The Benefits of International Recruitment in Hospitality and Gastronomy

Recruiting skilled workers from abroad not only offers a solution to the shortage of skilled labor but also brings numerous additional benefits that can strengthen and further develop your business:

  • Cultural Diversity: International employees bring a wealth of cultural perspectives, work methods, and culinary traditions that enrich the work environment and contribute to innovation. In gastronomy, in particular, various cultural influences can lead to a more varied and attractive offering for guests.
  • Expansion of Service Competence: Employees from different countries can expand your service competence, especially when dealing with international guests. This strengthens your company’s position in the global market and makes it more attractive to an international clientele.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that start recruiting internationally early can gain a competitive advantage by accessing a larger talent pool and responding more quickly to staffing needs.

8. Integration of International Employees

The success of recruiting international professionals depends not only on finding and hiring the right candidates but also on their successful integration into your company. At Primasteps, we place great importance on ensuring that your new employees quickly settle in and become productive.

We support you and your employees in the integration process through:

  • Cultural Training: We offer cultural training programs that help your new employees better understand German work culture and the specific requirements of the hospitality and gastronomy industry. This promotes smooth collaboration within the team and increases employee satisfaction.
  • Language Support: If necessary, we organize language courses to ensure that your employees acquire or improve the necessary German language skills to communicate effectively.
  • Assistance with Administrative Tasks: We accompany your new employees in important administrative tasks, such as registering with the local authorities, applying for tax identification numbers, and opening bank accounts. This facilitates their entry and ensures that all formal requirements are met quickly and correctly.

9. Tailored Solutions for Your Business

Every company in the hospitality and gastronomy sector has unique needs, and no recruitment process is the same. At Primasteps, we offer tailored solutions that are precisely aligned with your specific requirements and business goals.

Our tailored services include:

  • Needs Analysis: Together with you, we conduct a thorough analysis of your company’s personnel needs and develop a customized recruitment strategy that supports your short-term and long-term objectives.
  • Target Market Identification: We identify the countries and regions where there is the highest likelihood of finding suitable candidates for your open positions. This involves a detailed labor market analysis and the establishment of networks in the relevant target markets.
  • Long-Term Partnerships: We aim to build long-term partnerships with our clients. This means that we not only assist with your current staffing needs but are also ready to support you with future requirements.

10. Success Stories: How Primasteps Has Supported Companies in the Hospitality and Gastronomy Sector

Primasteps has already helped numerous companies in the hospitality and gastronomy sector successfully recruit and integrate skilled workers from abroad. Here are some examples of how our services have contributed to overcoming the challenges faced by our clients:

  • Case Study 1: Seasonal Reinforcement for a Holiday Resort: A renowned holiday resort in Bavaria faced the challenge of needing additional staff during the peak tourist season. Through our quick and efficient placement process, we were able to recruit several qualified employees from abroad within 30 days, who strengthened the on-site team. Thanks to the flexibility of our model, the new employees were employed on a seasonal basis with the option to extend their contracts as needed.
  • Case Study 2: Long-Term Placement of a Leadership Role in a Luxury Hotel: A luxury hotel in Berlin urgently needed an experienced leader for its gastronomy department. We were able to quickly find a highly qualified candidate from abroad who not only met the requirements but also impressed with their international experience and leadership qualities. The direct employment contract and the fast integration of the new employee led to a sustainable improvement in the quality of service at the hotel.
  • Case Study 3: Supporting a Family-Owned Business in a Rural Area: A family-run hotel in a rural region of Germany had difficulty finding suitable staff. Through our customized recruitment strategy, we were able to attract qualified professionals from abroad who were willing to settle long-term in the region. The new employees were successfully integrated and contributed to the stability and growth of the business.

11. How to Start Working with Primasteps

Recruiting skilled workers from abroad can be complex, but with Primasteps by your side, it becomes a smooth and successful process. If you are interested in attracting international employees for your business in the hospitality and gastronomy sector, we are ready to offer you our comprehensive service.

Here are the next steps to start your collaboration with Primasteps:

  • Contact Us: Reach out to us to arrange an initial, non-binding consultation. We will discuss your specific requirements and needs and work together to develop a customized recruitment strategy.
  • Needs Analysis and Planning: We will conduct a detailed analysis of your staffing needs and create a plan that covers all aspects of recruitment, from selecting target markets to integrating new employees.
  • Implementation of Recruitment: We will launch the recruitment process and present you with qualified candidates within the shortest possible time. You will decide which applicants are the best fit for your company.
  • Support with Integration: Once the new employees are hired, we will assist you and the employees in the integration process to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

12. Final Word: Primasteps – Your Reliable Partner for Success in the Hospitality and Gastronomy Sector

The hospitality and gastronomy sectors are industries where success is heavily dependent on the quality of the personnel. With the right team, you can not only increase guest satisfaction but also sustainably promote the growth and reputation of your business. Primasteps offers you the expertise and resources to recruit the best professionals from abroad and ensure that they quickly and effectively integrate into your company.

Our services—from direct placement to flexibility in the form of employment, and perfect matching of candidates—are designed to provide you with the greatest possible benefit. Our speed, reliability, and risk-free payment model give you the assurance that you will attract the best employees for your business without unnecessary risks.

Contact us today to find out how Primasteps can help you meet the challenges of recruitment in the hospitality and gastronomy sector and elevate your business to the next level. Together, we make your success our priority!