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Relocation – Skilled Workers from Abroad: Securing the Workforce of Tomorrow


Germany is facing the challenge of meeting the demand for skilled workers, and more and more companies are turning to international labor markets to find suitable employees. Recruiting foreign professionals offers enormous potential, but the process of relocation—moving new employees to Germany—can be complicated and challenging. This is where we, the team at Primasteps, come into play. We offer comprehensive services to help you navigate this process smoothly and efficiently.

Our services cover several key steps that ensure your new employees arrive in Germany without any issues, fulfill all legal requirements, and seamlessly integrate into the work environment. Below, we outline our services in detail.

1. Consultation and Preliminary Review – Your First Step to Successful Relocation

The first and perhaps most crucial step in the relocation of foreign professionals is consultation and preliminary review. At Primasteps, we offer this service free of charge because we believe that thorough planning is the key to success.

In this phase, we work closely with you to analyze the specific requirements and conditions for the relocation of your employees. We assess the legal framework and discuss all possible scenarios with you. Our goal is to identify potential obstacles early on and develop a customized strategy tailored to the needs of your company and your new employees.

We understand that every relocation is unique, and we approach each situation individually. Our consultation also includes addressing questions regarding the recognition of foreign qualifications and visa applications. By creating a clear and precise plan from the start, we can ensure that the move proceeds smoothly and without delays.

2. Review of Residency and Employment Regulations

Reviewing residency and employment regulations is another essential component of our relocation service. Germany has strict laws and regulations governing the residency and employment of foreign professionals. These laws are complex and may vary depending on the country of origin and the specific situation of the employees.

Our team at Primasteps has extensive knowledge in this area and ensures that all legal requirements are met. We verify the validity of your new employees’ documents, handle the necessary permits, and determine if additional steps are required to secure their stay in Germany.

A central aspect of this phase is identifying and applying for the correct residence permit. Depending on the type of employment and the employee’s qualifications, this could be an EU Blue Card, a visa for skilled workers, or another type of residence permit. We guide you through this process, ensuring that your employees are legally secured and can fully focus on their new roles.

3. Recognition of Foreign Qualifications – Ensuring Professional Recognition in Germany

In many cases, recognizing foreign qualifications is a necessary step before your new employees can work in Germany. This is particularly true for regulated professions, such as doctors, engineers, or teachers, whose qualifications and degrees must meet specific German standards.

Primasteps manages the entire coordination of this complex process. We assist your employees in gathering all the required documents necessary for recognition, including certificates, diplomas, and proof of work experience. We ensure that all documents are submitted to the relevant authorities in a timely and correct manner.

The duration of the recognition process can vary depending on the complexity of the qualifications and the requirements of the specific profession. Our job is to make this process as efficient as possible while ensuring that your employees receive full recognition of their qualifications. This is crucial not only for legal security but also to ensure that your new employees can fully utilize their professional skills.

4. Visa Application – Efficient Support in Obtaining the Necessary Visas

Another key component of our relocation service is visa application. The process of applying for a visa can be complicated and time-consuming, especially when it comes to work visas for skilled workers. Our team at Primasteps specializes in making this process as smooth as possible.

We assist your new employees in gathering all the required documents and fill out the applications on their behalf. Additionally, we coordinate appointments at consulates and guide your employees through each step of the process to ensure everything meets legal requirements.

Our experience shows that a well-prepared visa application is crucial for quick processing. We ensure that your employees obtain the necessary visas and work permits as quickly as possible, allowing them to start working in Germany without unnecessary delays.

5. Onboarding – A Three-Month Integrative Program to Support New Employees

Moving to Germany is just the first step. To ensure that your new employees are successfully integrated into your company in the long term, we offer a comprehensive onboarding program that spans three months. This program is designed to help new employees transition smoothly into the German work and living environment.

5.1. Coordination of Arrival

The first part of the onboarding program is coordinating the arrival. We ensure that your employees arrive safely in Germany and that all necessary arrangements for starting their new life are in place. This includes organizing airport transfers, booking initial accommodation, and providing all necessary information for the first few days in Germany.

5.2. Handling Local Administrative Matters

After arriving in Germany, numerous local administrative matters must be handled. This includes registering with the local registration office, applying for a tax identification number, opening a bank account, and more. These tasks can be overwhelming for foreign professionals, especially if they are unfamiliar with German administrative structures.

We accompany your employees to the necessary appointments and ensure that all formalities are completed correctly and promptly. Our goal is to minimize the bureaucratic burden on your employees, allowing them to quickly settle into their new roles.

5.3. Health Insurance, Registration, and Other Important Matters

Another important issue is health insurance. In Germany, health insurance is mandatory, and your new employees must ensure that they are insured from the first day of their stay. We assist them in selecting suitable health insurance and handle all the formalities associated with obtaining coverage.

Additionally, we take care of registration and other important matters, such as setting up utilities like electricity, water, and internet in their new home. We also provide support in finding permanent accommodation by connecting your employees with reliable real estate agents and helping them find a suitable apartment.

6. Why Primasteps? – Our Strengths and Your Advantage

At Primasteps, we are convinced that our success depends on your success. Our services are designed to make your work easier and ensure that your new employees arrive successfully in Germany and integrate quickly.

Our strengths lie in our extensive experience, our detailed knowledge of legal frameworks, and our ability to offer customized solutions. We understand that every relocation is unique and are committed to making the process as stress-free as possible for you and your employees.

7. Your Partner for Successful Relocation

Relocation is more than just moving from point A to point B. It’s about supporting your employees throughout their entire journey—from the initial consultation to full integration in Germany. With our comprehensive service, we offer you the assurance that every step of the process is handled professionally and efficiently.

If you plan to bring foreign skilled workers to Germany, we are here to support you as a reliable partner. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help make the relocation process a success.