Job Preparation Group Coaching for Migrants
About program
STEPS4JOB - Job Preparation Group Coaching for Migrants
Online or in person!
For all recipients of
citizenship benefits – FREE!
The measure aims to eliminate integration barriers by imparting necessary knowledge about the professional world in Germany.
Group Coaching:
30 units for 12 – 20 participants
Total Duration:
6 days for 5 units each
Ukrainian, Russian, English, and German
08:30 – 12:30 PM
13:00 – 17:00 PM

Coaching Content Summary:

  • Creation of application documents
  • Job platforms and application pathways
  • Preparation for the job interview
  • Rights and obligations of employers and employees
  • Contents of the employment contract
  • German tax system – tax classes, payroll accounting
  • Transition from unemployment benefits to employment
For all recipients of
citizenship benefits – FREE!
Register at:
For all recipients of
citizenship benefits – FREE!