Ukrainian refugees on the German labour market in 2023

According to statistical data, the average age of Ukrainian emigrants who left for Germany is 28 years old. These are people of a relatively young age who now live on the territory of Germany. The education level of most refugees is above average, and 72% of refugees in Germany have higher education. In order to start working in a profession, it is usually necessary to improve professional competence.

Work for Ukrainians in Germany

Most often, refugees from Ukraine were employed in gastronomy, at logistics warehouses, at processing and food industry enterprises, or in the automotive industry. German employers are interested in long-term employees.

Currently, Ukrainians in Germany earn an average of 1,467 euros per month. About a quarter of immigrants receive more than 2,000 euros. About half earn 1000-1999 euros per month. But it is worth considering that a significant part of refugees does not work full time.

If you speak German, you can get a job in a highly qualified job and receive a high salary.

How Germany is reshaping its labor market

The German labor market was significantly affected by the arrival of a large number of refugees from Ukraine. Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, German employers employed those foreigners who spoke German or English well, but now in Germany there are more offers of simple physical work, where it is not necessary to know German or have work experience.

Many experts claim that the arrival of refugees is a plus for some sectors of the economy: assistance and care, hotel business and food industry.

If you are interested in direct employment in Germany, we are always ready to help you. Write to us.

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