Where the employed in Germany earn the most?

It's no secret that transparency and salaries are important factors in making employers attractive to employees.

Today we will talk about salaries by region and speciality in Germany, so that you have an idea of how much you can earn in your field of study and whether you need to get additional education.

Average and median salaries in Germany

All salaries in Germany can be divided into gross and median salaries.

For example, in 2022, the median salary in Germany is €43,842, while the average salary is €53,118.

What does the median salary mean?

The average gross salary in Germany in 2022 was €53,118, while the median salary was €43,842. The median salary describes the middle of all the data: 50 per cent above this value, 50 per cent below. This figure is usually more accurate than the mean, which can be distorted by several outliers.

That is, you should be guided by the fact that €43,842 is the average salary in Germany that you can count on. However, it should be borne in mind that there are average salaries in the Länder and cities, and much depends on the speciality.

Which cities are the most attractive in terms of average salaries in Germany?

Our top 5 is opened by the city of Stuttgart with an average salary of €4507 per month, followed by Frankfurt am Main with €4503, Munich with €4466, Wiesbaden with €4163 and Düsseldorf with €4136 per month.

A small note to this list. Please note that the cities with the highest salaries are also the cities with the most expensive living standards. Therefore, it makes sense to work and live in a small city that is close to a city on our list. For example, our company's office is located in Fulda, which is not far from Frankfurt am Main, and we usually hire our candidates within Fulda. In a smaller city, it is easier to rent a house, lower costs, and a more relaxed life, despite the fact that everything is just as accessible as in a big city.

So, which one of you hit the jackpot, friends? 😉

Let's take a look at the industries with the highest salaries:

  • The first place goes to banking with an average salary of €57.631 per year

  • The second place is occupied by the aerospace industry, where you can earn an average of 56.153 € per year

  • The pharmaceutical industry is in third place - 54.822 € per year

  • Next is the insurance industry - 53.852 € per year

  • Automotive industry - 52.284 € per year

Despite the fact that gender equality is actively promoted in Germany, a pay gap still exists. Women earn on average -13.06 less than their male counterparts.

It is worth remembering that the most popular specialists in the labour market are those in the following areas:

  • gastronomy and restaurant business

  • engineering

  • construction and renovation work

The average salary in these areas ranges from €3,200 to €41,000 per year, which is the level of the middle class in Germany.

Therefore, if you are qualified in at least one of these areas, you can find a good job, and we will help you with your employment. Don't hesitate to contact us!

Thank you for reading us!